It took me such a long time to figure out how to set-up the maximum discount of $97 from Dreamhost. I also found out that there are also other Dreamhosters who experienced the same. Maybe, my question was not clear enough or maybe the options were not obvious enough for me to figure out easily.
To help others who might be using Dreamhost in the future, I will be giving the obvious answer here.
To set-up your Dreamhost $97 discount coupon code
1. Visit
2. Click on the last link on the page "Create Your Own Promo Codes!"
3. Click on the link "Create a New Dreamhost Promo Code"
4. Fill-up the space for Promo Code and Description. Leave the bonuses as is, or no bonuses
Here comes the not so obvious part
5. On the table "This promo code's discounts:", the last column is labeled "This Code's Discount". If you notice, the values are set to $0.00. You change those $0.00 into the amount of discount you want to give to your clients or referrals.
6. To save your promo code, click on "Create This Promo Code Now!"
To use your promo code, append a bar "
|" followed by
promo code to your referral link
|97offonceOf course, before you can follow the instructions above and offer discounts to others, you must have an account with Dreamhost. If you do not have yet an account, use either one of the following Dreamhost coupons that I just created:
97offonceThis coupon will give you a one-time discount of $97 on your annual hosting fee. Renewals will be undiscounted.
free2domainsThis coupon will give you additional free 2 lifetime domains when you subscribe to an annual hosting. Everytime you renew your hosting, you get 2 additional free slots for domain name. You will therefore have 3 free domains (2 free domains from me and 1 free domain from Dreamhost) when you use this Dreamhost coupon code. I suggest you use this one because this coupon is active as long as your account is active.
I did not create a coupon for additional bandwidth or capacity because I believe Dreamhost is already offering a generous amount of bandwidth and storage area for all its hosting accounts. In case you prefer additional bandwidth or capacity over the 2 free domains, just leave a message and I will be glad to make a Dreamhost coupon code for you.