VANYWHERE — Turn Time and Skills to Cryptocurrencies That Pays Bills

I hear some people saying they don’t have skills for any job so they tend to stick on what is there even if it is a low-paying job. Stuck on a job which they hate until they retire. I beg to disagree because even a housewife has a skill that she may offer or share with other housewives. Is it really their choice? Or is it only just because opportunity did not present itself to them? Now, what if your skills can earn you a crypto even during traffic hours, even when you are just staying at home, a PWD, or any status you have now, would you be joining a program, a project or a platform? (Remember that cryptocurrencies now are really popular and unlike FIAT or paper money that are affected by inflation, values may increase overtime.) With Vanywhere, time can turn into cryptocurrency. Real people, real skills, real time! Vanywhere is a skill-sharing platform that connects people who are seeking and offering skills via live video, voice & chat Well, ...

Affiliate Program for 000webhost: A Scam?

I have been really busy lately for personal reasons but I have not forgotten that I have my online blogs that in one point in time have been a source of income for me. In fact, what keeps me busy these days is just a part of my future plan in having a more profitable online business. I want to offer products that can be used by ordinary internet users and even webmasters. That is a future plan anyway.

Back to the present, even with my busy schedule, I want to continue earning online so I am visiting some of my different affiliate programs if they are still alive. You must already know that affiliate programs are money earners in the internet. One of the programs I checked is 000webhost.

For those who are not yet aware of 000webhost, they offer free webhosting without any ads. You can develop a professional website without those annoying ads. They also offer an affiliate program that pays $5 per sign-up.

Googling '000webhost affiliate program' without even adding the word 'scam', Google results showed more than I need to know. As much as I want to promote the program, I can only say that the free webhosting is already enough. Don't expect more for the affiliate program. I have not read a single testimonial that they have been paid for the affiliate so I am not expecting payments too.

With this information and an update from Google for its affiliate program.
Note: Referrals will be retired during the last week of August 2008.

it is now time to change some of my ads settings.


Anonymous said…
I make a living promoting websites, so it deeply insults me when an affiliate program doesn't live up to its end of the agreement.

000webhost owes me for hundreds of accounts that I referred to them, and they only way to get a response from support is with threats, but even that doesn't do anything in the end.

So, I encourage anyone that has been scammed to file a formal complaint with the FBI online fraud division: They are there to stop online fraud, even for just a few hundred bucks. With enough of us together, we will get the FBI's attention.

Also file a complaint at the FDC.

Finally, feel free to get in touch with me. derek at infogringo dot com

Let's shut down 000webhost. Affiliate marketers like us make a living driving traffic, so let's drive traffic to the FBI's complaint form. I am doing my part, please do yours. Post instructions to help convince others to file a formal complaint.

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