VANYWHERE — Turn Time and Skills to Cryptocurrencies That Pays Bills

I hear some people saying they don’t have skills for any job so they tend to stick on what is there even if it is a low-paying job. Stuck on a job which they hate until they retire. I beg to disagree because even a housewife has a skill that she may offer or share with other housewives. Is it really their choice? Or is it only just because opportunity did not present itself to them? Now, what if your skills can earn you a crypto even during traffic hours, even when you are just staying at home, a PWD, or any status you have now, would you be joining a program, a project or a platform? (Remember that cryptocurrencies now are really popular and unlike FIAT or paper money that are affected by inflation, values may increase overtime.) With Vanywhere, time can turn into cryptocurrency. Real people, real skills, real time! Vanywhere is a skill-sharing platform that connects people who are seeking and offering skills via live video, voice & chat Well, ...



CoinExchange trade volume and market listings

Coin Exchange is one of the more popular trading site specializing in crypto currencies.It is an online altcoin exchange focused on ease of use, security and customer support. Its mission is to become a pillar in the online crypto currency market place.

Aside from offering its service as trading website, Coin Exchange offers additional income for its traders and users with its affiliate program. Affiliate marketing has been one of the most lucrative online income generator and Coin Exchange offers the same to its traders or users.

Here is the affiliate rates of  Coin Exchange which can earn you a lucrative passive incom

Affiliate Rates

Maker Fee Commission Rate: 2.50%
Taker Fee Commission Rate: 5.00%

What are maker and taker rates?
A Market Maker is a trader that creates an order that is not matched in the live order book. That is, a trader that is creating a new trade opportunity with no opposite matching order.

A Market Taker is a trader that purchases or sells, fully or partially, into an existing order. For example if there is a current active unfilled sell order on the XYZ/BTC market for 10 XYZ at 0.01 BTC (the Market Maker order). A trader that purchases that sell order is the Market Taker.
How often are trade commissions processed?
Once every 24 hours.
How do I receive my affiliate commission payments?
Every 24 hours we calculate the total amount you are owed for each of the base currency markets BTC, DOGE, ETC etc. You will receive a deposit into your main account for the sum amount owed per base currency each day. Affiliate commission payments into your account can be viewed on the deposits page/s and will be marked as 'affiliate commission'.
Are there any performance incentives? 
Yes, we will manually review our top performing affiliates on a monthly basis. These top performers will recieve a commission rate boost. We will also be offering tiered performance bonuses at a later stage. 

Well, crypto trading is really huge right now and can generate a very good active and passive income. Why don't you give it a try? Sign up here with Coin Exchange now


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